The WellStone Corporation.

The second pillar, the WellStone Corporation.


Since I can’t give 10 kids 10 kinds of support, (I can’t break myself into 10 parts) that’s why I came up with the company. This way I can support all my children equally. And I am good at running a company and I love it.

Therefore, I founded the company with £10,000. The company has 10,000 shares of £1 each.
I divide the 10,000 shares among the 10 mothers, so that each one of them gets a share of the company worth £1,000. So everyone gets an equal share of £1000 in the company. So, the company currently has £10,000. Each mother receives £1,000 of this money.

This is what the company bank account looks like:

I think that’s so fair.

I am the director.

Our company deals in building dynasty and pantomath people.

The profits of the company will be put into a common fund for the children. All the assets, objects and property that will be owned by the company will be shared equally by all my children. So together we will build a company for which I have already laid the foundations. The company we build together (whatever it will be) should generate value and wealth, i.e. money, for our children! The wealth and cash accumulated by the company will be paid to our children in instalments: at the ages of 24, 34, 44, 54 and 64. in 20 – 20% increments.

This way our kids can continue the work we started. It can grow into a good dynasty. Like my role model; The Rothschild family. Only faster.

This company should be one of the funds that provides them financial security. For everyone, equally.
Of course, the other financial basis for each child should come from his/her mother and her family (if any)


The company already has:

  • Director
  • Accountant
  • Salesman
  • Secretary
  • Programmer
  • Website builder and
  • Interpreters (French, German, Italian, Spanish, Slovenian, Croatian, Hungarian)


What are we doing? Our company site is here:

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