This is a page with some basic contact information,

such as an email address, the company registered office address, etc.


WellStone Corporation

Company Registration Number: 13737841

Registration Address: 293, Sugar Mill Business Park, Oakhurst Avenue, Leeds, LS11 7HL, United Kingdom


Opening hours: Monday to Friday: –

Personal consultation: You need to make an appointment


Email: /


Our Telephone Numbers:

USA: +1 – 347 – 571 – 5300

HU: + 36 (1) 700 – 9 – 600

UK:  +44 (0) 1357 – 340 – 000


Menu system:

Welcome, you have called central menu system.

  • if you would like to speak to our office, please press one
  • if you are interested in starting a business, please press two
  • if you are interested in accounting, please press three


HU-Mobile: +36 (70) 550 – 28 – 04

UK-Mobile: +44 (0) 757 – 29 – 410 – 40


Do you have a question?

Please write here: