What is your child/children getting from our education system?


Your child will gets:

– A father and mother
– A (big) family
– A loving home
– Brothers and sisters
– More native languages
– Religion and Culture knowledges
– Dual citizenship


– A company
– Financial security (from two places: you and your company)
– Moral security
– Emotional security
– A double inheritance


– An advantage over other children
– Adequate education
– Multicultural knowledge

– Basic Skills knowledge (up to the age of 24)

– More native languages
– Religion and Culture knowledges
– Music knowledge: Guitar, Piano, Drums, Violin, Trumpet
– Sport knowledge: Martial arts, Team sports, Golf, Swimming, Dance
– Chess, Literature, Arts; -Sculping, Painting, Sewing, Photo- History, Sciences
– Scouting, Surviving classes, Weapons knowledges, Deep diving, Cave knowledges
– Roller skating, Skateboarding, Ice skating, Hoverboard, Bicycle, Motorcycles, Car, Truck and Train driving, Boat driving, Helicopter and Plane driving
– Computer, Programming languages knowledges, Software-Hardware knowledges, Social media knowledges, IT knowledges
– General etiquette, Fashion, Jewellery and Beauty knowledges, Cooking skills, First aid knowledges, General medical, Dental & Veterinary knowledges
– Global business principal: Marketing, Financial & law knowledges, Accounting, Economics & Statistics knowledges, Business knowledges
– Environmental protection knowledges, Ocean protection, Wild life protection knowledges, Astronomy knowledges, Human rights knowledges
– Architectures knowledges, Drawing and Graphic knowledges, Creative media knowledges, Radio and Tv knowledges, Code languages knowledges
– Guided tour knowledges, Logistics knowledges, Car mechanics knowledges, Electricity knowledges, Hairdressing knowledges
          – Fitness and Health protection knowledges, Composer & Sound Technician knowledges, Restaurateur, Detective & Journalism knowledges, Food technician knowledges
          – Mentalist &  Magical knowledges, Complex problem solving, Critical thinking, Creativity, People management, Coordination, Emotional intelligence knowledges
          – Ability to make decisions, Service orientation, Negotiation technique, Cognitive flexibility knowledges, Graphological knowledge


– Expanded contact capital
– Future


Yes, we help people become Pantomath characters.


“…A pantomath is a person who wants to know or knows everything. The word itself is not to be found in common online English dictionaries, the OED, dictionaries of obscure words, or dictionaries of neologisms.

Logic dictates that there are no literal nonfictional pantomaths, but the word pantomath seems to have been used to imply a polymath in a superlative sense, a ne plus ultra (“nothing more beyond”) as it were, one who satisfies requirements even stricter than those to be applied to the polymath. In theory, a pantomath is not to be confused with a polymath in its less strict sense, much less with the related but very different terms philomath and know-it-all. …”


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